Dear members and friends,

The first annual drinks gathered around 30 enthusiastic participants and the ambassadors presents the first results and the program for 2018.After 6 months, the club totalize already 30 members and organized 3 amazing rides with more than 35 participants. The first objective for 2018 is to continue to grow and enlarge our professional network through quality cycling events.To enhance its development, the REcycle Club is counting on you, on your contacts and your determination to develop your network differently, to recruit new biking enthusiasts, and to share the benefits and joys of this incredible biking experience.Hereafter, we are pleased to inform you about our organisation, the member fee, the rides, the partnership with Luxemburg’s company to reach the MIPIM in Cannes and different other topics.

Thanks to all,

The Ambassadors.

Member fee

Thanks fo your constructive comments, we’ve now developed two options, one if you are already a member, and another if you are close to become one.

You can also enrol immediately to the 4 supervised rides in one shot (‘FULL’ option with discount) or ‘à la carte’ during the coming cycling year for 1, 2, 3 or even 4 rides but in function of your agenda (‘LIGHT’ option).

Member who has already signed up:

  • LIGHT Annual membership fee of 50€ + 150€/supervised ride
  • FULL 600€/year all-inclusive, payable in one shot à savings of 50€.

New Member:

  • LIGHT First year membership fee of 120€ + 150€/supervised ride
  • FULL 650€/year, payable in one shot à savings of 70€.

Company package:

A special price for the 2 first members of 1.100€ +500€ for each following member

Rides, supervised rides & Challenge

The supervised rides are the perfect opportunity for our members to use the club to enrich their professional and/or friendly ties with insurance agents, bankers, clients, collaborators, lawyers, architects, notary publics, etc.

The REcycle Club offers you the following services during supervised rides:

  • Selected roads
  • Exceptionally beautiful and quality locations
  • Changing rooms with showers
  • Supervision of two separate pelotons (23 & 25 km/hr on average)
  • A Broom wagon, Ride & Road Captains
  • Re-fueling
  • Finish line cocktail
  • 3 – course meal
  • Photo coverage of the event
  • A financial support of REcycle’s charity association variable in function of the costs to organize the rides. We sponsor this year the Association against cancer

Grab your agendas to save these dates for the next supervised rides:

  • 27/04/2018
  • 01/06/2018
  • 29/06/2018
  • 07/09/2018

The REcycle Club and its members will be proposing other types of excursions : sunday’s collective training session (the so called ‘CTS’), rides abroad, a riding challenge to MIPIM and REALTY challenge, mountain bike rides, etc.

More info very soon.

REcycle2 MIPIM 2018

This year, the REcycle2 MIPIM is sponsored by our Luxemburg partners INOWAI & TRACOL.

Their 15 participants will be leaving from Luxemburg on March 8th, with limited assistance and will arrive in Cannes on March 13th in the afternoon.

1000km 6 days challenge

Follow & support them via the REcycle CLUB Facebook page



